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We aim to be able to produce permanent solutions in our site, which we have created by supporting the forest resources we consume in every area of our lives.

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Daha YEŞİL ve YAŞANABİLİR bir Dünya için…

한-터키 우정의 숲에 58만 그루의 묘목을 심다

안탈리아, 네브셰히르, 킬리스, 이스탄불, 무을라에 이어 ‘한-터키 우정의 숲’ 묘목 심기 행사가 오스마니예 주 카디를리 시에서 개최되었습니다.

행사에 참석한 이원익 주터키대한민국대사는 “한국 국민의 마음이 담긴 이 묘목들은 양국의 우정이 얼마나 깊고 특별한지를 보여준다”라고 말했습니다.

터키 산불 피해를 돕기 위해 한국의 많은 국민들이 터키의 환경단체연대협회(ÇEKUD)가 시행한 터키묘목기부 캠페인에 참여하였고  한국에서 보내진 15만 그루의 묘목과 함께 한-터키 우정의 숲이 조성되었습니다. 지난 몇 개월간 안탈리아, 네브셰히르, 킬리스 , 이스탄불, 무을라에 묘목이 심어졌고 오스마니예 주 카디를리 시를 마지막으로 ‘한국-터키 우정의 숲’ 조성 사업이 종료되었습니다. 이로써 총 58만 그루의 묘목이 한-터키 우정의 숲에 심어졌습니다.

이원익 주터키대한민국 대사: “터키와 한국의 우정은 깊고 특별합니다”

이원익 주터키대한민국 대사는 본 행사에서 “오스마니예는 매우 아름다운 곳”이라며 “농경지와 동물들 그리고 많은 사람들이 이 곳에서 아픔을 겪었다는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 산불로 인한 상처가 하루빨리 아물길 바랍니다”라고 말했습니다.

이원익 대사는 한국전쟁 당시 터키 참전 용사들의 희생이 양국 관계 발전의 견고한 토대라고 강조하며, 한국과 터키의 우호관계를 더욱 돈독히 하기를 희망했습니다. 이어, “아시다시피 2020년 도쿄 올림픽, 한국-터키 여자배구 8강전을 계기로 터키에 큰 산불이 일어난 것을 알게된 우리 국민들이 묘목 기부 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 대한민국에서 총 15만 그루의 묘목이 기증되었는데 이는 양국의 우정이 얼마나 깊고 특별한지를 보여주고 있습니다.”라고 이야기했습니다.

에윱 데빅 CEKUD 이사장  “한국과 터키의 우정은 묘목과 함께 계속됩니다

에윱 데빅 CEKUD 이사장은 “대한민국에서 보여주신 관심과 기증된 묘목들에는 양국간의 우정이 녹아들어있습니다. 우리의 숲을 다시 푸르게 만들기 위해 시작된 이 캠페인을 통해 한국과 터키의 우정이 묘목들과 함께 계속되고 있습니다. 묘목 기부 캠페인을 시작해주신 여자배구대표팀 김연경 전 주장과 행사에 참여해주신 이원익 주터키대한민국 대사 우성규 이스탄불 총영사 그리고 자연을 사랑하는 한국 국민들에게 감사합드립니다”라고 전했고 “15만 그루의 묘목을 포함해 총 58만 그루의 묘목이 한-터키 우정의 숲에 뿌리를 내리고 우정을 더욱 돈독히 할 것”이라 덧붙였습니다.

이 날 묘목 심기 행사에는 이원익 주터키대한민국 대사를 비롯해 카디르 카라 오스마니예 시장, 베흐비 바크르 카디를리 구청장, 외메르 타르한 카디를리 시장, 무스타파 코치 산림청장, 한국 재향군인 및 지역민들이 참석하였습니다.

58만 그루의 씨앗과 함께 성장하는 양국간의 우정

오스마니예의 카디를리와 주변 도시는 한국의 순교자들과 참전용사들이 거주했던 곳으로 이번 행사에 있어 가장 중요한 지역입니다. 산림청의 협조 하에 터키 오스마니예주 카디를리시의 카라테페 마을에서 3일 ‘한-터키 우정의 숲’ 조성을 위한 묘목심기 행사가 진행되었습니다. 한-터키 우정의 숲 프로젝트는 대한민국에서 기증된 15만 그루의 묘목과 함께 총 58만 그루의 묘목을 6개의 도시에 심었습니다.



한국에서 기증된 묘목의 수 심어진 총 묘목의 수 묘목 심기 행사일
안탈리아 30.000 60.000 2021. 11. 18
네브셰히르 40.000 100.000 2021. 11. 20
킬리스 25.000 130.000 2021. 11. 29
이스탄불 15.000 120.000 2021. 12. 27
무을라 30.000 150.000 2022. 01. 15
오스마니예 10.000 20.000 2022. 03. 03


터키 우정의 숲은 어떻게 시작되었나요?

2020 도쿄 올림픽 여자 배구 8강전에서 만났던 터키 선수들의 사연이 전해지면서 터키 묘목 기부 운동이 시작되었습니다. 당시 한국 배구대표팀의 주장이었던 김연경 선수는 경기 후 언론과 인터뷰에서 터키에 큰 산불이 발생했다고 밝혔고 이후 스포츠 팬들이 김연경 선수의 이름으로 묘목을 기부하였습니다. 이번 일로 한국에 터키 묘목 기부 캠페인이 널리 알려지게되었고, 한 달 동안 ÇEKUD의 기부 플랫폼 (www.DikiliAgacimVar.com)을 통해 약 150,000 그루의 묘목이 기부되었습니다. 이후, 주한터키대사관과 산림청의 협의 하에 6개 도시에 “한-터키 우정의 숲” 프로젝트가 계획되었습니다. 안탈리아, 네브셰히르, 킬리스, 이스탄불, 무을라, 오스마니예 6개 도시에 묘목들이 심어졌고, 6개의 한-터키 우정의 숲이 마침내 터키에 조성되었습니다.

ÇEKUD에 대해서

환경단체연대협회(ÇEKUD)는 우리가 살고있는 자연을 보호하고 환경에 대한 대중의 인식을 제고하기 위한 목적으로 1999년 설립되었습니다. 환경단체연대협회는 자연과 인간 사이의 균형을 회복하고, 모든 자연물이 목적에 부합한 삶을 올바르게 지속 할 수 있도록 노력합니다. ÇEKUD는 오늘날 21개 국가의 15개 지역, 81개 지방에서 활동하는 비정부기구로, 자연을 사랑하는 봉사자들과 함께합니다.

ÇEKUD는 환경에 관한 윤리 의식을 높이기 위하여 환경 문제를 주제로 심포지엄, 국제회의, 공동프로젝트를 시행하고 있습니다. 잔반 줄이기, 탄소발자국 측정, 온라인 묘목 기부 캠페인 등 여러 프로젝트를 홈페이지를 통해 공유합니다. 현재 ÇEKUD는 터키에 수백만 그루의 묘목을 심은 비정부조직으로 대중들에게 인정받고 있습니다.

5th Turkey – Korea Friendship Forest

While forest fires in Turkey continue in the summer months, 30 thousand of the approximately 150 thousand saplings donated by Korean nature lovers are meeting with soil in Milas district of Muğla. Won Ik Lee, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Turkey, who attended the sapling planting ceremony, said, “With the saplings we planted in Muğla, the burned areas will sprout and the friendship between Korea and Turkey will deepen.”

The saplings donated by the Korean nature lovers who support the “We Have the Root – The Green Homeland is All of Us” campaign, initiated by ÇEKUD with the aim of greening the areas damaged by the forest fires in different regions of Turkey in the summer months, continue to meet the soil. ÇEKUD, which has added the saplings of donors in Turkey to the approximately 150 thousand saplings donated by Korean nature lovers, continues to establish Turkey-Korea Friendship Forest in different cities of our country.

After Antalya, Nevşehir, Kilis and Istanbul, the fifth of the friendship forest is being implemented in Muğla. South Korea’s Ambassador to Turkey Won Ik Lee also attended the sapling planting ceremony held in the afforestation area of ​​Akyol village in Milas district. In the Turkey-Korea Friendship Forest in Milas, a total of 32 thousand 500 thousand saplings, of which 30 thousand were donated by Korean nature lovers and 2 thousand 500 by the friends of the teacher Nurselin, will be planted.

“I will plant saplings one by one to represent the Korean people”

In his speech at the sapling planting ceremony, Won Ik Lee, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Turkey, said that he was honored to participate in the sapling planting ceremonies of the Turkey-Korea Friendship Forest. Ambassador Lee, who conveyed his condolences and condolences on behalf of the Republic of Korea to the Turkish people affected by the forest fires that took place throughout the country, especially in Muğla, said, “I am very happy to participate in this meaningful event on behalf of the Korean people and to bring the saplings to the soil with you as a token of our friendship.”

“I wish the Korea-Turkey friendship to deepen even more”

Ambassador Won Ik Lee said, “The sacrifices of Turkish veterans in the Korean War constitute a solid foundation for the development of relations between the two countries, and I wish the world-famous resort city of Muğla to be even greener with today’s sapling planting ceremony, and at the same time, I wish that the relations with Korea will be greener. I hope the friendship between Turkey deepens. I would like to express my thanks once again to the officials of the General Directorate of Forestry, Milas Municipality, Turkish Environmental Organizations Solidarity Association (ÇEKUD), who made every effort to create the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest, and to everyone who gathered here today to plant saplings.”

“Turkey-Korea friendship will take root with saplings”

Reminding that they started a “We Have Roots” campaign with the slogan “Green Homeland for All of Us” in order to contribute to the re-greening of burned forest areas, ÇEKUD President Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik said, “While our campaign was continuing, we encountered the favor of our Korean friends, with whom we are close by heart despite the distance. After the Turkey-Korea Volleyball match, upon the call for sapling donation made by the Captain of the Republic of Korea Volleyball National Team Kim Yeon-kyoung, tens of thousands of Korean nature lovers donated more than 130,000 saplings to Turkey in a few weeks via dikiliagacimvar.com, and today this figure is close to 150,000. . We would like to thank the Korean nature lovers for their support for the greening of the areas damaged by forest fires in Turkey, and we would like to express our gratitude for choosing ÇEKUD and our www.dikiliagacimvar.com donation site for sapling donations.”

“Our friendship will take root when the saplings turn into trees”

President Debik said, “Due to this appreciation of our Korean friends, we, as ÇEKUD, decided to establish Turkey-Korea Friendship Forests. We aimed to establish Turkey-Korea Friendship Forests in Antalya, Istanbul, Nevşehir, Kilis, Osmaniye and Muğla, which are also heavily preferred by Korean tourists. We are here today to bring the fifth of the friendship forest to life. We will reach our goal with the planting in Osmaniye, which we will carry out on February 22, 2022. We are sure that our friendship will take root when carefully planted saplings turn into trees. Both during the continuation of the donations and the creation of the Friendship Forests, the Korean Ambassador, My Dear Friend Won Ik Lee, did not fail to show their interest and support. I would like to express my gratitude to them for their close interest and support.”

Muğla Deputy Governor Caner Yıldız, who attended the ceremony, gave information about Turkey’s forest fire response activities. Erdal Dingil, Deputy Regional Director of Forestry, stated that our Korean veterans’ participation in the Korean War in the 1950s is the basis of relations between the two countries.

After the ceremony, 30 thousand of the approximately 150 thousand saplings donated by Korean nature lovers began to be planted in the afforestation area of ​​Akyol village of Milas with the participation of hundreds of nature lovers. The sixth of Turkey-Korea Friendship Forest will be established in Osmaniye Kadirli after Antalya, Nevşehir, Kilis, Istanbul and Muğla.

Turkey – Korea Friendship Forest – Istanbul Event

İstanbul, Turkey – Korea Friendship Forest

Date: 27 December 2021 Time: 11:00

Location: Ballıca Köyü, Pendik, İstanbul, Türkiye

130,000 seedlings donated by Korean nature lovers will be transformed into the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest

Environmental Organizations Solidarity Association (ÇEKUD) will introduce 130 thousand seedlings donated by Korean nature lovers upon forest fires in Turkey to the soil by establishing a “Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest”.

Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik, Chairman of the Board of ÇEKUD and board members paid a thank you visit to South Korea’s Ankara Ambassador Won Ik Lee for the seedling donations made by Korean nature lovers during the forest fires in Turkey.

Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, Ambassador Lee said, “Our friendship with Turkey, based on love and respect, is at a level that will set an example for the world. It is pleasing that the friendship between two countries is strengthened with an environmentalist approach and seedling donations.”

Noting that he found ÇEKUD‘s activities very beneficial, Ambassador Lee said: “I visited ÇEKUD‘s donation website and donated 50 seedlings, so that I will have trees planted in Turkey. The establishment of the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest is a great pleasure for all of us. “It would be meaningful to establish the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest in touristic places such as Istanbul, Antalya and Ephesus, where Korean tourists are familiar with and can visit when they come. I believe that our Korean citizens who will visit Turkey will desire to see this forest of friendship.”

“Our burning forests will also become green with the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest that we will establish”

Prof. Dr. Debik gave information to Ambassador Lee about afforestation and environmental activities in Turkey. Stating that the friendship between the peoples of Turkey and Korea goes back to the past, Debik said, “While the forest fires, which deeply saddened us all, continued, South Korea Volleyball National Team Captain Kim Yeon-koung and the Korean National Team supporters called for seedling donation and thousands of Korean nature lovers showed great interest in this call. It not only alleviated our sadness but also confirmed that Korea-Turkey friendship is not temporary but permanent.”

Debik expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Turkish people to all Korean sports fans and nature lovers who continue their donations. Debik stated that they will bring the seedlings donated by Korean nature lovers to the soil by developing projects with the General Directorate of Forestry for the re-greening of the burned forests.

“We believe that the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest, which we aim to realize in couple places in the Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara regions, will further consolidate and deepen the friendship, which is approaching a century, between the two countries. Our burning forests will also become greener and lusher with the Korea-Turkey Friendship Forest that we will establish” he assessed.

During the visit, the intention to hold the 6th International Environment and Morals Symposium in cooperation with ÇEKUD and Environment Foundation in 2022 with the partnership of one of the renowned universities in Korea was mutually expressed. At the end of the visit, ÇEKUD presented Ambassador Lee a certificate of 100 seedlings donated on his behalf and a T-shirt with the theme of “Have a Planted Tree” was presented to him. Ambassador Lee also presented a gift themed Turkish Veterans of the Korean War to the ÇEKUD administration.

ÇEKUD launched a seedling donation campaign with the motto “Rooted In Ourselves – The Green Homeland is Ours” due to the forest fires that took place in Turkey in the past weeks. Upon the call of the South Korean Volleyball National Team Captain Kim Yeon-koung and the Korean National Team supporters for seedling donation, thousands of Korean nature lovers donated over 130,000 seedlings to Turkey through the website; www.dikiliagacimvar.com for the regeneration of burned areas. Seedling donations are still ongoing.